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Competition and cooperation

1) Is it OK to wish somebody defeat? Competitors always do it, don’t they?
2) Some people believe that only misery of being a loser can motivate people to become better. Do you agree with that? Can you name other possible motives?
3) Is it a good idea to discourage people? If you compete with people you will always do it, won't you?
4) Do you try to compete in our club and not to support somebody? Do you try to be supportive? Do people like those who are supportive?
5) Should ideologies compete?
6) Why do capitalists demand from governments of other countries to support competition in their countries?
7) Who are more competitive and who are more cooperative, men or women?
8) Does such a thing as a self-made man exist? Don't you think that men can make themselves only if they are supported?
9) Should we give understanding to everyone or should we exchange (“sell”) our understanding for something?
10) Do men support women? Do women support men?
11) Who are more cooperative and who are more competitive, Westerners or Russians?
12) Elites that compete with their own people lose their respect. Whole states and their citizens lose their respect because of that. So nobody is really respected nowadays. Do you respect Obama for instance? Do you respect Americans?
13) Do you like the situation when nobody is respected?
14) Is money respected?

Discussions | Просмотров: 1059 | Добавил: IlyaShalnov | Дата: 2014.11.03 | Комментарии (0)

Communication Games

It is about how to begin to talk when you don’t know what to talk about

1) Associations (the best one)
2) Dreams
3) Psychologist
4) Coach
5) Wiki
6) Fairy tales (for children)
7) Animals (for children)
8) Court
9) Marriage
10) Forbidden questions

Rules of communication:

1) At least twice a week
2) Never (almost never) cancel
3) No forbidden topics


Discussions | Просмотров: 951 | Добавил: IlyaShalnov | Дата: 2014.11.03 | Комментарии (0)

To avoid some misunderstanding I have to explain some things

Your ability and your readiness to create real and interesting discussions is a part of being a good English teacher and a good English learner as well. I think it is obvious. That is why we discuss things in English here.

If you want to be a good teacher it is absolutely necessary to understand what is happening in the mind and soul of your students. Otherwise you will not be able to build a rapport between your student and yourself and as a result the lessons will not be effective.

You should understand what “affective filter” is and how it works preventing learners from learning foreign languages. Read Stephen Krashen if you haven’t heard about the affective filter. He wrote an interesting book about second language acquisition. And his book is free.......

Discussions | Просмотров: 1125 | Добавил: IlyaShalnov | Дата: 2014.11.03 | Комментарии (0)

Why do you study foreign languages?

1. Why do you study foreign languages?

2. Is studying the foreign language a question of discipline for you? Do you force yourself? Do you try to coax yourself? Do you moderate yourself when you can't stop? Is the foreign language for you a job or a hobby?

3. Language is knowledge. It is grammar and lexis. Is it also phonetics for you or do you ignore this aspect? Are there other aspects?

4. Do you associate language with sport? What skills do you train? Speaking, reading, writing, listening? All of them? What about thinking? What about additional skills like translating, teaching, communicating, passing exams? Is the language for you like sport games or bodybuilding?

5. Is the language kind of sex or has it nothing to do with it? Are there some similarities? Can sex be substituted by languages?

6. Do you agree that language can be spiritual practice? Can it be a way to highest levels of existence? Can it be Yoga?

7. Language is war. Do you learn to speak to fight for the place under the Sun?

Discussions | Просмотров: 1256 | Добавил: IlyaShalnov | Дата: 2014.11.03 | Комментарии (0)

Real-Talk-Club - Правила

Мы говорим и переписываемся на Английском, Французском и иногда на других языках (Иврит, Эсперанто, Русский). Иногда участвуют также носители языка. Иногда мы встречаемся в кафе у метро Новослободская (Москва).

Есть программные темы. К примеру, «Техники освоения иностранных языков», «Психология, Экономика, Политика». Есть просто встречи – тематические и свободные.

Цена 450 рублей за 45 минут.

We speak here English, French and sometimes other languages (Hebrew, Esperanto, Russian). Native speakers also participate sometimes. Sometimes some of us meet in real life in Moscow near Novoslobodskaya metro station.

We have programs like “Second language acquisition techniques” or “Psychology, Economics, Politics”. Sometimes we just talk about everything interesting for us.

The system is very democratic. If you wish you can become one of leaders and lead your own groups.

The rules

1. We usually fallow preliminary prepared questions, however those questions are just a start point for our conversation and there is no need to follow them strictly. If we have interesting ideas inspired by the conversation, we discuss them.

2. Try not to speak too long and not to repeat over and over what you have just said. Let others speak too.

3. Do not interrupt interlocutors unless they start to misinterpret you, or repeat things already said, or speak way too long.

4. There are no forbidden topics! It is forbidden to forbid topics!

5. You don't need to be politically correct but try to be polite, friendly and supportive towards people.

6. Do not demotivate.

7. Those who speak better usually speak a little more.

8. Rules are not laws and sometimes can be broken.


About | Просмотров: 1832 | Добавил: IlyaShalnov | Дата: 2014.11.03 | Комментарии (0)

Many topics for discussions

I used to lead a group in Moscow English Communication Club:

So a big number of topics has been discussed there. You can see all of them on my site:

All the topics are organized there by 9 sections:

1. Business, work and money
2. Men, women, sex and marriage
3 Communication, friends
4. Psychology, strategies, stereotypes
5. Politics
6. Religion, belief, justice
7. Dreams, magic
8. Languages, reading, self-development, teachers
9. Miscellaneous

Discussions | Просмотров: 1002 | Добавил: IlyaShalnov | Дата: 2014.11.03 | Комментарии (0)

Discussions | Просмотров: 1093 | Добавил: IlyaShalnov | Дата: 2014.11.03 | Комментарии (0)





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Помните, что чтение об эффективных способах работы
не может заменить самой работы!

 Илья Шальнов

Бесплатный конструктор сайтов - uCoz

Skype: ilyashalnov  
+7 (916) 277 0916  