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Ilya vs Cliff

Instead of criticizing Cliff I should have made a clip about ultimate reduction in English. But I was a little bit angry with the form of Cliff’s criticisms. When you criticize someone you should think about the words you use not to discourage them.

Cliff speaks with a very good rhythm but like other natives he reduces sounds down to the level where they can only be guessed but hot heard. I think that when you read a text you should try not to reduce the words so much.

When we speak we send sounds and we receive sounds. And we think that we pronounce all sounds, but in fact we don’t. And the listener restores the right speech and doesn’t even know that he does restore it.

Category: Discussions | Added by: IlyaShalnov (2014.11.03)
Views: 1086 | Rating: 0.0/0
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