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Download RecordSay


The program to improve your pronunciation

The program helps to improve the pronunciation and train "good ear" for phonetics.

It is a pay-program. You can write to me to ilyashalnov@yandex.ru

RecordSay is a very simple program. The main part of it is only two buttons - Record and Say. It will be enough just to press Enter and the program will work. Enter - and the program records your voice. Enter - and you listen to yourself from outside. You can use also the mouse. Mouse wheel in one direction - recording. Mouse wheel in opposite direction - listening the recording.


To improve your pronunciation you need to listen to yourself from outside. The Microsoft program "Sound Recorder" is not good for that purpose. With it you will have to do ten unnecessary clicks instead of only one click. Unnecessary movements will not let you to concentrate on language.

Saving your recording

You can save your file as wav-file. If you click on Button "S" your recording will be saved in the folder where you saved your last file without asking for the directory. The file will get name 001.wav or 002.wav etc... Right mouse button on button "S" will save your recording and play it with your default player for wav-files.

From any program!

You can use RecordSay without leaving the program you are working with. There are two checkboxes in RecordSay for that. If you check "Middle button in any program" the middle button of your mouse will start Recording or Playing of RecordSay. If this option is chosen the middle button will do only that and in your program will be disabled this moment.

The same way you can use your left button if the checkbox "Right Button in Any Program" is checked. This way you can work with practically any player. It can be PowerDVD, for example. PowerDVD allows you to work with movies in slow rate. It is very convenient when you work on your pronunciation.

How to work on pronunciation

You can just record yourself and listen to yourself from outside without necessity to look for buttons every time and to answer annoying questions like "Do you want to save your recording?"

You can also work with any movie files using any of your movie-players. Serials are good for working on the pronunciation. You listen to real actors who just speak the language you study. The movie can also be played in Internet even without downloading it. Everything is as usual.

You stop your movie. You press the middle button of the mouse and record yourself. Then you press the same button and listen to your recording. Then you click on movie and your player plays the next frame. Then you stop the player again and record yourself, and listen to yourself. That is how you work. Sometimes just stop and repeat after the actor without recording yourself. Sometimes do the same with recording and listening to yourself.

Keys and mouse

You can use either mouse or keyboard. Sometimes it is more convenient to use the right part of the keyboard (so called gray keys). The NumLock should not be pressed this moment.

Enter -- Recording, Playing
Wheel forward -- Recording
Wheel backward -- Playing
Minus -- Recording
Plus -- Playing
End -- Stop of recording or playing
Click on the program -- Stop

Button "S" (of the program) -- Save your recording in the folder you used the last time
Button "S" with right mouse button -- Saves the file and also makes your default player to play the saved file

If you drag multimedia file and drop it on the RecordSay it will make PowerDVD to play the file. It works if your PowerDVD is installed in its default folder in Program Files.

Download RecordSay

Category: Programs | Added by: IlyaShalnov (2014.10.27)
Views: 1434 | Rating: 0.0/0
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Бесплатный конструктор сайтов - uCoz

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