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Download RecordSay

RecordSay is a program to improve your pronunciation. The main part of it is only two buttons - Record and Say. Enter - and the program records your voice. Enter - and you listen to yourself from outside. You can use also the mouse. Mouse wheel in one direction - recording. Mouse wheel in opposite direction - listening the recording. With middle button you can use RecordSay from any other active program. So it can work with any video player.


Download ListenRecordSay

ListenRecordSay is a program for improving pronunciation. It can also be used as a common video-player for watching movies and listening to music. The main principle is that: You watch movie then with one click stop it and start to record yourself. Then with one click you listen to your recording of yourself. Then with one click you play next fragment of the movie.It also provides comfortable work with subtitles as text.

Category: Programs | Added by: IlyaShalnov (2014.11.04)
Views: 1120 | Rating: 0.0/0
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 Илья Шальнов

Бесплатный конструктор сайтов - uCoz

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