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Makebilingua and Parallel texts

Makebilingua and Parallel texts

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Makebilingua is a free program that will help you to create your own parallel texts or to read parallel texts created by others.

Making new parallel texts with Makebilingua is like comfortable reading. But it is much more comfortable to read already prepared parallel texts. So if you have compounded a parallel text, please, send it to us to share your work with other users.


What are parallel texts?

The parallel text is a text that consists of two texts in one table. The left column contains sentences written in language you are studying. The right column is for their translations. Sometimes it is better when the texts are divided into even smaller parts than sentences.

A table is not the only possible form of parallel texts. It can look like that: L1 sentence – L2 sentence. L2-sentences can be of a bigger font and highlighted.

If it is a table there can be additional columns for transcriptions in phonetic alphabet and comments.

Who needs parallel texts?

Parallel text can be very useful either for beginners or for more advanced learners. Even if you are just a beginner and reading tutorials is still too difficult for you, you will probably be able to read parallel texts. Having read two or more parallel books you will be able to return to your tutorials. This time the work o will go ahead much easier.

What is to be done if you don’t know phonetics and the rules or reading?

How will your reading sound if you don’t know any rules or reading but Latin letters? What is to do if your L2 has unpredictable reading?

The problem is partially solved if the text is electronic and you can send any unknown word to a dictionary with one click of the mouse. For that you need computer programs like Mozilla Firefox (with Autocopy plug-in) or our Makebilingua and a dictionary capable of catching the words from the clipboard.

You can use any editor at all if you have a five buttons mouse and you assigned Ctrl+C for one of its buttons.

You can also use a bookreader with a touchscreen and installed dictionary with phonetic transcription.

The situation is more comfortable if you study a language with predictable reading like French or German.

Basic knowledge

Some basic knowledge will be useful. This knowledge includes: phonetics, rules or reading, pronouns, prepositions, conjunctions, some adverbs. If you also understand the system of conjugation you are just fine.

What is it to do if the words don’t want to be memorized?

Try to read more. The more you read the more accustomed you become to the letters, to the words, to the new language.

But if you see that reading of parallel text alone doesn’t solve all you problems you have to understand that that kind of reading is not the only and ultimate solution. There are a lot of techniques and programs to develop ones memory.

Parallel Texts

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English - French

Le cimetière du château d'If -- The Cemetery of the Chateau D'If (Chapter 20)
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry -- LE PETIT PRINCE (1943) -- The Little prince
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle -- The Hound of the Baskervilles -- Le chien des Baskervilles
UN HOMME ET UNE FEMME -- A Man and a Woman (From the movie 1966)
Thierry Jonquet -- L’ARAIGNÉE -- The Spider


English - Russian

David Shackleton -- Feminism Exposed -- Феминизм Разоблаченный
VOA -- New Deal' Starts to Fail -- Новый Курс начинает терпеть неудачу
Edgar Allan Poe -- The Murders in the Rue Morgue -- Убийство на улице Морг
Михаил Булгаков -- La Majstro kaj Margarita -- Мастер и Маргарита 


Esperanto - Russian

Volkov -- MAGIISTO DE SMERALDA URBO -- Волшебник Изумрудного Города
Михаил Булгаков -- La Majstro kaj Margarita -- Мастер и Маргарита


French - Russian

Some songs of Joe Dassin
Alexandre Dumas -- LES TROIS MOUSQUETAIRES -- Три мушкетера
Antuan de Saint-Exupery -- Vol de nuit -- Ночной полет
Попова Казакова Ковальчук 16 уроков
Antuan de Saint-Exupery -- LE PETIT PRINCE-- Ночной полет
Alexandre Dumas Fils -- A DAME AUX CAMÉLIAS – Дама с камелиями


Download MakeBiLingua 28Mb
Download Parallel Texts 19 Mb


Good luck
Ilya Shalnov

Category: Programs | Added by: IlyaShalnov (2013.01.29)
Views: 2758 | Comments: 4 | Rating: 0.0/0
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