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Universal questions for discussions

Universal questions for discussions

If you want to write any topic for the communication in the club, there can be some universal questions for that. If you don’t know what to talk about you can always ask any of those universal questions and the communication will become interesting. You can memorize those questions. It can become a kind of your integral algorithm for your communication and your thinking.


1) Why is THAT THING so important?
2) What power does THAT THING give you?
3) What joy can THAT THING bring into your life?
4) How does THAT THING influence your character and the way you live?
5) How do Good and Evil deal with THAT THING, use THAT THING?

6) How can you become a master at THAT THING?
7) What makes THAT THING powerful and impressive (its “interface”, “restaurant”)?
8) What makes THAT THING work effectively (“implementation”, “kitchen”)?

9) What are the layers of THAT THING?
10) What are the differences of male and female strategies in dealing with THAT THING?

11) THAT THING, do we really know what we are talking about?
12) If THAT THING is good, why is it so difficult to obtain it? If THAT THING is so bad, what can we cope with it?
13) Can you tell us about your personal encounter with THAT THING?

Some questions can be difficult to answer in some particular topic. Some questions are usually difficult to answer. Those clumsy questions are better to be removed from the question list. For example question number 13 is usually difficult to answer.

Examples of implementation…

Art of conversation

1) Why is it so important to communicate with people? Isn’t it better to stay alone?
2) Why are those people who know how to communicate effectively more successful in their lives?
3) Do men and women communicate with each other to have sex? Or do they have sex just to communicate?
4) How your communication skills influence your profession and your common life?
5) What do you think of manipulators? Is it right that every communication is a manipulation?

6) What secrets do effective communicators know?
7) How do communication skills manifest themselves? What kind of communication makes strong impression?
8) What would you do if you wanted to develop your communication skills?

9) What communication is more important to you, verbal or non-verbal? What are your favorite games? What are your common rituals?
10) When women and men communicate what are the differences between their styles of the communication?

11) How would you define that word collocation “communication skills”?
12) What usually prevents people from being good communicators?
13) Can you give us some example of a good communicator?

Youth and Old Age

1) What difference does it make whether you are young or old? Isn’t it better to become age-blind?
2) Who are stronger, the young or the old?
3) Who enjoys life more? Who enjoy sex more?
4) What changes in your character when you become older?
5) Do people become better or worse with age? What can be the extreme manifestations of that development?

6) How can we combine positive parts of being young and being old? Is it possible to be wise when you are young? Can you be young forever? Would you want to be young forever?
7) Can old people be charismatic? Can young people be charismatic?
8) Can you be strong forever? Can you be healthy forever?

9) Wisdom, religion, freedom, do they depend on our age?
10) What happens to men and what happens to women when they become older?

11) Getting older, what does it really mean?
12) Why do people so often become so weak with their age?
13) Can you tell us about your personal encounter with the oldness that expressed you?

Universal questions to common discussion

Sometimes it is enough to use copy-paste to create a topic. For example:


1) Why is LOVE so important?
2) What power does LOVE give you?
3) What joy can LOVE bring into your life?
4) How does LOVE influence your character and the way you live?
5) How do Good and Evil deal with LOVE, use LOVE?

6) How can you become a master at LOVE?
7) What makes LOVE powerful and impressive (interface, restaurant)?
8) What makes LOVE work effectively (implementation, kitchen)?

9) What are the layers of LOVE?
10) What are the differences of male and female strategies in dealing with LOVE?

11) LOVE, do we really know what we are talking about?
12) If LOVE is good, why is it so difficult to obtain it? If LOVE is so bad, what can we do with it?
13) Can you tell us about your personal encounter with LOVE?

Common discussion to universal questions

You can do the opposite thing. You can take any topic of any discussion and make universal questions from it. Very often the questions will be variations of our questions above.

Middlelife Crisis

1. What is the definition of midlife crisis?
2. Do you have your midlife crisis?
3. Do you think everyone has a midlife crisis?
4. What can you do to minimize midlife crisis?
You can see that three questions of four are variations of the universal questions.
1. What is the definition of midlife crisis? = THAT THING, do we really know what we are talking about?
2. Do you have your midlife crisis? = Can you tell us about your personal encounter with THAT THING?
4. What can you do to minimize midlife crisis? = If THAT THING is so bad, what can we do with it?
And the third question is pretty clumsy; that is why we prefer not to make universal question from it. But it could be made: Do you think everybody is doomed to face THAT THING in their lives?

Sometimes and even usually it is not so. For instance…

Talk about three things

1. Can you talk about three things you like about yourself?
2. Can you talk about three things you dislike about yourself?
3. Can you talk about three things you want to do right now?
4. Can you talk about three things you can't do?
5. Can you talk about three things you need to do everyday?
6. Can you talk about three things that scare you?

Category: Club Programs | Added by: IlyaShalnov (2015.03.20)
Views: 1120 | Comments: 1 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
1 IlyaShalnov  
Universal Questions or Integral Algorithm  
1) What does THAT THING actually mean?
2) What do people need THAT THING for? Do
you really need it?
3) Is THAT THING a question of good and
4) What is the difference between men and
women in getting THAT THING?
5) What does THAT THING consists of?
6) What does THAT THING consists in?
7) How can we get THAT THING?
8) What prevents us from getting it?

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