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Videos | Просмотров: 928 | Добавил: IlyaShalnov | Дата: 2016.02.14 | Комментарии (0)

Videos | Просмотров: 924 | Добавил: IlyaShalnov | Дата: 2016.02.05 | Комментарии (0)

Этические ошибки в освоении языка

  1. Неспособность слушать критику – отсутствие диалектики в древнегреческом понимании
  2. Чувство вины и страх перед осуждением
  3. Мужское манипулирование, сила воли, вертикаль власти и невозможность раппорта. ВДСМ
  4. Женское манипулирование и невозможность общения ни личного, ни в группах
  5. Страх перед гомосексуальностью и сближением с языком. Язык – мужская сущность.
  6. Вера в деньги и перекладывание ответственности. А деньги – не решение. И работать надо.
  7. Неуважение к учителю – раз ему заплатили.
  8. Неспособность заплатить за труд, но плата социальной ренты за допуск в класс успешников.
  9. Вера в успешность и виктимность перед успешниками, понтовиками. Куплю, раз другие покупают и он и без меня успешен.
  10. Втаптывание бисера (женское манипулирование). Блокирование всего разумного, доброго, вечного. Невозможность использования эффективных технологий.
  11. Разрушение форумов. Отсутствие хороших методистов по причине отсутствия нормального диалога между ними.
  12. Страх перед открытым общением и срыв нормального разговора
  13. Выбор учебников, являющихся воплощением страха перед языком и тренеров-спасителей (от грамматики, от необходимости учить слова и так далее)
  14. Отсутствие свободного времени из-за страха, что застанут без лопаты. Еще сталинские времена…
  15. Неспособность расслабиться и показать свою свободу
  16. Вовлеченность в бессмысленные конфликты и отсутствие свободной памяти, как результат
Videos | Просмотров: 833 | Добавил: IlyaShalnov | Дата: 2016.02.05 | Комментарии (0)

Videos | Просмотров: 862 | Добавил: IlyaShalnov | Дата: 2015.12.31 | Комментарии (0)

Videos | Просмотров: 839 | Добавил: IlyaShalnov | Дата: 2015.12.25 | Комментарии (0)

Videos | Просмотров: 1308 | Добавил: IlyaShalnov | Дата: 2015.12.25 | Комментарии (0)

Superreader Program
It’s very dangerous to talk to strangers in the woods. You don’t know why? Then listen to our sad story…

Little Red Riding Hood

Once upon a time in a faraway village there lived a young woman. Everybody called her Missis Little Red Riding Hood.
She was pretty and had very beautiful innocent blue eyes. Her red riding hood could be seen from far away; and it certainly drew attention.
Once she went for a walk to the nearest forest where village woodcutters were working.
There she met Mister Wolf. Mister Wolf was one of the woodcutters. The moment they met he was working alone, so nobody could see them talking.
They began to talk. “Hello” and “How are you?” and “What are you doing this evening”…
Little Red Riding Hood told him a lot of things. That she was always bored; and that her husband was always boring. That she was going to her Grandmother to bring her some buns and a pot of butter, and that her Granny wouldn’t be at home till the very late evening.
She told Mister Wolf how much she liked him, how handsome he was and so on and so forth over and over again.
Then she suddenly said Goodbye and went her way.
When she came to her Granny and entered the house something looked strange. The windows were closed, it was pretty dark there, and somebody was sitting in the darkest corner of the room.
Hello, Granny, - said Little Red Riding Hood in a very enigmatic voice.
Hello, Little Red Riding Hood - answered the figure from the corner in a low gruff whisper.
- Why have you got such big legs?
- The better to run after you, my girl.
- Why have you got such big arms?
- The better to hug you with, my dear.
- Why have you got such big teeth?
- To gobble you up right now, Little Red Riding Hood – said Mister Wolf, getting up from the chair.
God knows what was in his mind, but that very moment Grandmother and three woodcutters entered the cottage.
- Wolf! Wolf!! - cried Little Red Riding Hood.
- It’s Mister Wolf! What is he doing here!?
What are you doing here, Mister Wolf? – asked him the old lady.
Why are you not working? – asked him the woodcutters?
What could Mister Wolf say? He said that he had heard about the Old Lady being sick and had come to check whether she was OK. But nobody believed him.
As for Little Red Riding Hood, her behavior had already been very well known in the neighborhood. So nobody was really surprised.
Everybody knew that although she looked like the embodied innocence itself, such stories somehow by chance always happened to her.
Later the woodcutters laughed at Mister Wolf. For some tome the affair became the favorite topic for the village gossipers.
Mister Wolf’s wife was very angry with him. And he didn’t know how to apologize for his inappropriate behavior. Later he had to buy her a very expensive fur coat and a lot of other presents. And yet he felt that he was still guilty and still in debt.
Mister Wolf decided that it is dangerous to talk to strangers; especially when the stranger is a very attractive young girl with very innocent blue eyes.
And he was right, wasn’t he?
So, that is the real story of the poor Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Mister Wolf.


Videos | Просмотров: 1096 | Добавил: IlyaShalnov | Дата: 2015.12.25 | Комментарии (0)

Videos | Просмотров: 866 | Добавил: IlyaShalnov | Дата: 2015.12.25 | Комментарии (0)

Videos | Просмотров: 821 | Добавил: IlyaShalnov | Дата: 2015.12.19 | Комментарии (1)

Videos | Просмотров: 1004 | Добавил: IlyaShalnov | Дата: 2015.12.18 | Комментарии (0)





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