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Practicing conversations

Practicing conversations

There are 5 basic skills you have to develop if you want to become a master in one of foreign languages.
They are: Speaking, Listening, Writing, Reading and Thinking.

There are 5 additional skills.
They are: Conversation, Monologue, Translating, Teaching, Passing exams.

Will anybody deny that you have to learn the Art of Conversation? Should it not be one of the most important topics for seminars? Don’t you have to practice it regularly? What kind of teacher are you if you avoid real conversations and prefer to talk only by turns and only by answering already prepared questions?

You have to be anti-teacher if you try to avoid free discussions.

Category: Discussions | Added by: IlyaShalnov (2015.03.20)
Views: 1175 | Rating: 0.0/0
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Помните, что чтение об эффективных способах работы
не может заменить самой работы!

 Илья Шальнов

Бесплатный конструктор сайтов - uCoz

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