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About English lessons and all kinds of lessons in general

About English lessons and all kinds of lessons in general

1. Image of perfect language – rapport with inner Master
2. Rapport with a student
3. Motivation and understanding of what you have to do and how (mental maps)
4. Right movements
5. Training
6. Life itself

1. Do you remember what skills you have to work on? (reading, writing, speaking, listening, thinking, plus translating, communicating, teaching, passing exams)
2. Three whales of any language (grammar, vocabulary, phonetics)
3. Levels of language (sentences, words, letters)
4. Levels of understanding how to study (discipline, knowledge, training, love, yoga, war)

5. To teach how to become a leader
6. Why do people not want to become masters?

Category: Discussions | Added by: IlyaShalnov (2015.02.18)
Views: 1132 | Rating: 0.0/0
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не может заменить самой работы!

 Илья Шальнов

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