1) Rank your values: success, happiness, bliss?
2) Do you distinguish between those three? Do those three usually go together and make friends?
3) Would you like to have stronger emotions? Would you like to be more sensitive?
4) Do we need too much positive emotions? Do we need to avoid negative ones?
5) What would make you happy?
6) Is it important to you to do better than your neighbors?
7) Can money make you happy?
8) Do you feel you are a rich person?
9) Can good sex make you happy?
10) What makes people successful?
11) Do elites steal success from common people?
12) Are elites evil?
13) Is it your duty to be successful?
14) Are you immortal or are you sentenced to death by the Nature itself? Does it make you happy or unhappy?
15) Is life for you a game or survival?
16) Are you free? What part of your time do you spend on thinks you really like to do?
17) What do you need to improve in your life?
18) Does your happiness depends on happiness of your country?