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Do we want feminism?

Do we want feminism?

What about duty of men to defend women? What about duty of men to defend their country?

“Men defending women - thing of the past only needed in working class circles. In middle class and upper class circles this is not needed at all and many women these days can defend themselves. As for defending the country in the future that will be done with drones; and as I said why can't you have women tank drivers and fighter pilots? Why should only men risk their lives? Over here most middle and upper class people are incapable realistically of defending their country or a woman, they are wimps with a brain. Look, if our own Queen can train as a mechanic and repair vehicles to help the war effort, what is anyone else's excuse? Here we had a then royal princess training to do a working class man's job, and she actually did it. She actually volunteered to do it.”

1. Is feminism a punishment for women?
2. If yes, should we punish women for feminism with feminism?
3. Is there need of men's job in our world?
The world is build of air conditioners, political correctness a right grammar, isn't it? Or is it build of concrete, oil and harsh work?
4. Killing people is a very easy thing if it is done with drones. So that is how it should be done. Killing is like playing computer games. Every woman can do it, cannot she?
5. Elites don't need to learn harsh reality of our life. It is for common people. Why not?
6. Women do not need to be women and men to be men. Unisex is the best way of existence. Why not?
7. Even a queen can play a miner for some time. This her work equals to the work of miners, so miners should not complain about their difficult life.


Category: Discussions | Added by: IlyaShalnov (2014.11.11)
Views: 988 | Rating: 0.0/0
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