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Mysticism of grammar

Mysticism of grammar

Considering modal verbs, subjunctive mood and other stuff like that… I was asked a question, what can be discussed about the Subjunctive mood? I answered, about everything at what you react emotionally. And what can be emotional in grammar? It was a very interesting question. There is some life in grammar. But what is it? I think that there is some mystical point of view at grammar. Does anybody want to talk about mysticism of grammar?

1) Tense, Aspect, Mood (mode) and modals
2) Pictures, and feelings, and energy of feelings and hypnotizing power of words
3) Moods as realms
4) Modals verbs as gods
5) Grammar, Mathematics, Universe and God
6) Chemistry and psychology
7) To have or to be? To do, to have or to be? The power of this question
8) “Never to have, never to be and only to do” and Russian mentality


Category: Discussions | Added by: IlyaShalnov (2014.11.03)
Views: 1044 | Rating: 0.0/0
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